Recap Pop-Up Office on Lanzarote

Lanzarote instead of Ludwigshafen: From October 2019 to March 2020, we set up a second cyperfection location on the sunny Canary Island as a pop-up office. All interested employees were allowed to spend a workation in the cyHub for about two weeks each and look at the daily work routine from a different perspective. And so it was: Bye-bye dreary German winter weather and 'hola' sunny New Work experience!

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5 min

Lanzarote, New Work

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How did cyperfection come up with the idea for the pop-up office on Lanzarote?

Opening up perspectives, promoting creativity, strengthening team cohesion - these were our main goals. And so the idea was born to give every employee a change of location and thus also a change of perspective, to try things out in a new environment and to develop themselves far away from the daily office routine.

What challenges did you have to overcome?

For six months, a large finca with four bedrooms, plenty of space in the living and dining room, inviting terrace and pool became our second home and the space of our New Work experiment. What looks like a vacation at first glance was, of course, also a busy time for our employees. On site, six employees lived and worked in mixed teams at all times. Customer projects continued as normal. In addition, there were creative challenges for each individual and for the respective team.

For the start of the pop-up office, it was therefore important to create the technical prerequisites and optimal working conditions. First and foremost, this includes a stable Wi-Fi connection - but also that everyone has a monitor and a flipchart at their disposal.

How did the cyperfection employees experience their time on Lanzarote?

The feedback from the Lanzarote homecomers was positive without exception. Dovetailing private and professional situations so closely was certainly a special experience for everyone. Shared rituals - such as cooking together or coffee served by a colleague in the morning - welded the team even closer together.

Really helpful for everyday life were clear rules for the basic basics - around arrival and departure, rental cars, door keys, technology, and emergencies. The teams then discovered the island's everyday life on their own, without any guidelines, as well as the extraordinary nature of Lanzarote.

How did cyperfection's customers react?

Very good. The collaboration with our customers 'on remote' worked great - with presentations or team meetings via video conference. We think that the experience on Lanzarote will also inspire further collaboration with our customers, because a very special way of thinking, our 'cyperspective', has emerged through the experience in the cyHub. A real change in perspective - that is, not just in purely spatial terms: We have become more open to changing attitudes and assessments.

How was the campaign received by applicants and the media?

The response to the pop-up office was huge. All the applicants who have presented themselves to us in recent months are enthusiastic about the campaign. The campaign was also closely observed and followed by the trade press.

Straße auf Lanzarote Straße auf Lanzarote

So what's the bottom line?

We consider the experiment a complete success! The location itself offered ideal conditions to promote the curiosity of the individual, to think outside the box for once and to bring the different areas of the agency closer together. The experience factor naturally played a major role. The fascinating surroundings, joint excursions and relaxation by the pool were a wonderful change from the rather dreary winter time in Germany.

Another extremely positive aspect is the remote work culture, which is now deeply rooted. On the island, we already practiced the permanent home office before it became an almost vital skill during the Corona crisis. Fortunately, we made it out of the cyHub on schedule before travel was restricted.

The Lanzarote Pop-Up Office experience was really quite special for us as a team and changed our perspective on both a personal and business level. It's definitely something worth repeating. But when and where is still completely open.

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