Omnichannel, baby!

A seamless customer experience across all advertising, sales and communication platforms – a dream come true for every brand manager. However, the way to get there is tricky and requires a lot of expertise and experience: After all, it is not only important to meet the needs of the target group(s), but also to involve and inspire all internal stakeholders. At the same time, it is essential to sensibly expand and build up the technical infrastructure as well as all channels and touchpoints. Let’s talk about what it is and why it matters – after all, we've done this more than once in the last 25 years... ?

19. October 2023

Marcel Leinberger (cyperfection)

Reading time:
2 min

Omnichannel marketing, online marketing, social media, CRM

Darstellung von verschiedenen Kommunikationsplattformen.

11 steps to successful omnichannel marketing

The number one and a rocket taking off. The number one and a rocket taking off. Die Zahl eins und eine Rakete, die startet.
Lay the foundations for a successful project

The mission: Grundsteine für ein erfolgreiches Projekt legen

The way to get there:
Step 1: Bring all stakeholders together and level them up - from product marketing and corporate communications to field service and IT. In addition, the roles and responsibilities of the project members are defined in order to pave the way to the success of the multi-complex project. In this phase, the project is set up and planned - an agile approach with sprints has proven successful here.

Die Zahl zwei und eine Hand, die eine Lupe hält. Die Zahl zwei und eine Hand, die eine Lupe hält. Die Zahl zwei und eine Hand, die eine Lupe hält.
Analysis & Goal Setting

The mission: Find out where you are and where you want to be

The way to get there:
We first start with an analysis of the central, existing marketing channels: Where do the customer interactions take place? Where are there pitfalls and challenges? What are the user journeys currently like? No stone is left unturned; in order to sustainably improve the current situation, a holistic picture is required. To do this, we view and analyze all existing data - from market research documents to web analysis data, customer inputs, customer support data, customer surveys, market research and web mentions. In this phase, the current state is determined and the first target corridors for the target state are defined.

Die Zahl drei und ein Hase, der auf eine Schildkröte klettert. Die Zahl drei und ein Hase, der auf eine Schildkröte klettert. Die Zahl drei und ein Hase, der auf eine Schildkröte klettert.
Customer segmentation / personas

The mission: Know the customers and their needs inside and out

The way to get there:
The first step is to uncover the motivations of the people you are trying to reach. When you painstakingly create detailed personas from real human experiences, you’ll get a clear idea of who these people are, what they need, and where you can create real impact. It’s one part data and analyzes, one part asking the right questions and a pinch of strategic magic.

Die Zahl vier und  Ortsschilder, die in verschiedene Richtungen zeigen. Die Zahl vier und  Ortsschilder, die in verschiedene Richtungen zeigen. Die Zahl vier und  Ortsschilder, die in verschiedene Richtungen zeigen.
Customer journeys

The mission: Identify the right places

The way to get there:
In this phase, we understand where our audience spends there time. Where could they come across our message, and where will they be the most receptive?  This is why we map the customer journey. It gives us a deeper understanding of how our audience navigates through the different channels, what their needs are in these places, and where we fit in.

Die Zahl fünf und eine Rennflagge. Die Zahl fünf und eine Rennflagge. Die Zahl fünf und eine Rennflagge.
Channel strategy

The mission: Define sales and communication channels

The way to get there:
The most promising places, times and ways to reach our target group are identified based on our analyses, personas and customer journeys. So now we put it all together, giving each touchpoint a different role, and linking them together to enable a seamless – and valuable - customer experience.

Die Zahl sechs und eine Mauer aus Legosteinen. Die Zahl sechs und eine Mauer aus Legosteinen. Die Zahl sechs und eine Mauer aus Legosteinen.
Data management & integration

The mission: Make activities measurable

The way to get there:
It is essential to implement an effective data management system BEFORE the platform(s) and marketing measures go live. This is the only way to track customer information and activities across all channels right from the start.

Die Zahl sieben und ein Vogel, der aus einer Hand frisst. Die Zahl sieben und ein Vogel, der aus einer Hand frisst. Die Zahl sieben und ein Vogel, der aus einer Hand frisst.
Content strategy

The mission: The right message at the right time in the right place

The way to get there:
We develop a content strategy that addresses our audience’s needs, exactly when they are the most receptive across the channels we’ve defined. The content is tailored very closely to the needs we’ve defined, increasing the chances that you’ll activate your audience.

Die Zahl acht und ein Riesenrad. Die Zahl acht und ein Riesenrad. Die Zahl acht und ein Riesenrad.
Customer experience optimization

The mission: Creating a seamless experience

The way to get there:
A great user experience is not a coincidence, it requires a lot of empathy and understanding. The goal is a seamless customer experience across all channels - be it web, social media, newsletters as well as print materials, customer service, etc. This is also where the implementation of personalized approaches comes into play, for example to only offer the user the products and content that are relevant to them.

Die Zahl neun und ein Kind, dass mit einem Holzpuzzle spielt. Die Zahl neun und ein Kind, dass mit einem Holzpuzzle spielt. Die Zahl neun und ein Kind, dass mit einem Holzpuzzle spielt.
Launch and learn

The mission: learn from mistakes

The way to get there:
After launching the various measures in omnichannel marketing, of course we need to monitor and analyze consistently. Data obtained through tests, experiments and customer feedback is used for further optimization in order to actually achieve our goals - and hopefully even exceed them.

Die Zahl zehn und zwei Freunde, die Schlittschuh fahren. Die Zahl zehn und zwei Freunde, die Schlittschuh fahren. Die Zahl zehn und zwei Freunde, die Schlittschuh fahren.
Onboarding and training

The mission: Get everyone in the loop

The way to get there:
Even when all oft he relevant stakeholders aren‘t involved in the entire project, it is really important to communicate the overall result clearly and visibly. In order for the plan to succeed, a general understanding of the relevance of omnichannel marketing concepts is necessary. Training for employees, information on the intranet or a kick-off event can provide support.

Die Zahl elf und Papierflieger. Die Zahl elf und Papierflieger. Die Zahl elf und Papierflieger.
Stay tuned and keep getting better

The mission: continuous development

The way to get there:
The market never sleeps and customer needs change. In order to be successful in the long term, ongoing developments must be monitored - in order to keep our omnichannel marketing running smoothly.

An example
Omnichannel marketing in practice
In this example, let’s take a look at what a successful omnichannel project looks like in practice – and why a strong strategy can help simplify the complexity.

As a lead agency, cyperfection has been supporting a global pharmaceutical company for years in maintaining market leadership and uncovering new business potential.

Central to the plan is our strategy which is created to handle both local and global challenges. This guided the development of a robust, coordinated, integrated omnichannel ecosystem that can respond flexibly to any updated or new objectives from sales and marketing as well as legal requirements.

The overarching goals are always the same: to attract new patients as users of the products, and retain existing customers in order to maintain and expand market leadership.

The way to get there: Rejuvenate the brand by refreshing the look, feel and approach, add new services and promotions, and expand the digital market leadership. A strategic focus is also on generating data to better understand customer needs, as well as retention and acquisition. 

The plan also addresses a vast array of target groups with very different needs: From patients, relatives/caregivers to specialists, pharmacy staff, medical assistants, health insurance companies, politicians, field staff, employees, the press, bloggers, etc. 

One (agency) for all cases

Of course, omnichannel marketing does not mean the same path and abundance of channels and measures for every situation. Depending on the size, budget and needs of the target group, every solution will look completely different. What is essential is a future-oriented, flexible set-up that can be adapted at any time in order to guarantee sustainable success. 

cyperfection is happy to support you in all project steps - from consulting, analysis and planning to the technical implementation of platforms, or the editorial creation of blog and social media posts. After all, we have been living omnichannel marketing for over 25 years - when the term didn't even exist. ?  

You can check out what one building block from another existing project can look like here.

Marcel Leinberger

Do you have a specific need for on-channel marketing or would you like to receive non-binding advice? Then please send us an email or contact Marcel Leinberger on 0621-587104-0